Few words about me

My name is Alex, I live in Montreal and I’m passionnate about DataScience topics and Mobile app developpement. This blog aims to present some of my projects and talk about what I have learned during my exploration of the world of data science.

I work in Finance as a Business Analyst BI, I manage marketdata acquisition and transformation for OTC pricing.

I’m not a native English speaker so it will also help me practice my English writing skill :)


I first started with courses on udacity and pluralsight on machine learning topics. It was just to understand the basic concepts and what can we do with them.

I was really surprise by the concepts and wanted to know more about them so I decided to take it further. The first new course was the DataScientist track on DataCamp. It was really good to practice some python and discover all the main library like :

Library Url
Pandas https://pandas.pydata.org/
matplotlib https://matplotlib.org/
Bokeh https://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/
Scikit-Learn https://scikit-learn.org/stable/
SciPy https://www.scipy.org/
Keras https://keras.io/
spaCy https://spacy.io/

It gave me the motivation to push on these topics.

Then I took Andrew N.G incredible course on coursera. It’s a really good one, it helped me tackle the theory behind all these.

After that, all I wanted to do was experiment. That’s when I started Jeremy Howard Fast.ai courses on Deep Learning and it was an absolute blast.

There are 2 parts for the deep learning course and for the moment, I haven’t started the second part yet.

Fast.ai is based on pytorch but I try to practice with Tensorflow also.

You can see it as a couple of Low level API + High level API :

Library Low Level API  
Tensorflow + Keras https://www.tensorflow.org/ https://keras.io/
PyTorch + Fastai https://pytorch.org/ https://docs.fast.ai/

This blog will help me to practice some of the concepts explained during the course and make sure I have understood them correctly. I find the process of writing about something really useful, it makes me question things more and it force me to try things!

Let’s give it a try!